RIP Queen Guinevere

The beautiful Giant Chinchilla rabbit, Queen Guinevere, left a huge hole in our hearts tonight, Saturday, August 13th, 2022. J noticed her unable to move well this afternoon and I saw that she couldn’t move her left leg. We think she may have had a stroke and we never even knew because she was napping in one of her favorite spots. Kristine was able to make it home before she died, and our good friend Connie tried to help us save her, but it was too late. She died in Kristine’s arms as all of us wept.

Gwennie was the sweetest rabbit, she rarely nipped at you, and would occasionally jump all the way on top of you if you were laying on the couch. She loved being pet, but she hated being picked up, which is OK because at 13 pounds, she was quite the armful. I loved waking up in the morning and finding her and her bonded pair Dobbie “Little D” lounging in the chair I always drink my coffee in. Sometimes she would come and jump up and either force me out of the chair or cram herself beside me.

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